Radial Payments 3DS Defender plugin for WooCommerce

Coming in Q1 2022, this plugin will allow Merchants interested in adding 3-D Secure (3DS / 3DS2) to their WooCommerce checkout experience. For Merchants processing under P2D2 compliance requirements or those in the US and Canada who wish to reduce fraud and secure transactions our software is an easy, compliant platform for your website.

Initially compatible with Worldpay by FIS platforms, our software can be adapted to other payment processors as well.

Coming in Q2 of 2022, the release of our next plugin will adapt WooCommerce and WordPress to support additional Risk Data collection. Beyond the core DCC requirements and level 1 data, our software will modify WooCommerce and WordPress to include more robust transaction and customer data from your store to improve the 3DS platforms ability to gauge risk. The end result transforms WooCommerce from a rudimentary platform for 3DS integrations into an industry leading platform able to supply over two dozen behavioral and transactional data points to the 3D Secure partner.


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